2022 4 Nations Neuss

- This event has passed.
2022 4 Nations Neuss
26 July 2022 - 31 July 2022

4 Nations M O60/ O65 / O70/ O75 (level 3.4) & Spirit of Masters M O60 / O65 / O70 (level 3.8) Neuss, Germany
Start July 26 / End July 28 age groups O70 and O75
Start July 29 / End July 31 age groups O60 and O65
These tournaments include the Spirit of Master Teams (SoM) of the age groups M60, M65 and M70.
The A-Teams of the age groups M60, M65, M70 and M75 will play according to WHM-level 3.4, the SoM-Teams of the age groups M60, M65 and M70 will play according to WMH-level 3.8. Each team will play three matches during the three-day-event, i.e. one match per day with a playing time of 4 x 15 minutes (10 min half-time break).
We would be very happy if you could bring an umpire as part of your team with you. We aim for neutral appointments.
We made already contact to the hotels DORINT and HOLIDAY INN and have reserved sufficient rooms for this event. The address of the hotels are:
• Dorint: Düsseldorf-Neuss, Selikumer Straße 25 41460 Neuss, Phone +49 2131 262-0, E-Mail: [email protected] , www.dorint.com/neuss
Single room 54 Euro / double room 59 Euro / breakfast is included.
• Holiday Inn: Düsseldorf-Neuss, Anton-Kux-Strasse 1, 41460 Neuss, Phone +49 2131 184-0, E-Mail [email protected], www.hi-neuss.de
Single room 69 Euro / double room 79 Euro / breakfast is included.
We will organise a get-together on Tuesday (M70-M75) and Friday (M60-65) to become more familiar with the other participants of the event. On Wednesday (M70-75) and Saturday (M60-65) we will have the possibility to have a nice evening together at the venue.
The catering during the tournament will be organised well and sufficient. Due to the unclear weather conditions we planned to build up some pavilions as well as a party tent.
The tournament fee is € 330,00 per team, incl. one box of water (12 bottles) per team per match. If the COVID-19-situation does not allow to let this tournament take place, the fee will be paid back with a reduction of 10 % for accumulated costs.
We would be very happy to welcome you in Neuss in July. Therefore, we kindly ask you to receive your letter of interest till March 15th
. In the meantime, we will contact WMH to get the permission to organise these tournaments.
We will send you some more detail-information after receiving your letter of interest.
With our warmest and kindest regards
Teun Hermans
[email protected]
+49 157 52112141
Event Category: WMH Tournaments
Jahnstraße 63, 41464 Neuss, Germany