Hockey Family
If you would like to share a good Masters Hockey story or good quality photographs, please send them to [email protected]
If you identify anyone by name or title, please ensure you have their permission before sending.
The Spirit of Masters Hockey
October 2024
A Family Affair on the World Stage! 🏑
Russell Gill of the RSA Men’s Over 65 team and his son, Nic Gill, who plays for the RSA Men’s Over 40s, are representing South Africa together at the World Masters Hockey World Cup in Cape Town! This incredible father-son duo embodies the true spirit of Masters hockey, showing that the game isn’t just about competition—it’s about passion, family, and lifelong fitness.
Masters hockey offers a unique opportunity for athletes to continue playing the sport they love while maintaining their health and staying connected to a vibrant, supportive community. For players like Russell and Nic, it also means sharing unforgettable moments on the international stage, proving that age is just a number for heart and determination.
Here’s to all the Masters athletes who remind us that hockey is a life game!
Source Acknowledgement: South Africa Masters Hockey Facebook
#MastersHockey #HockeyWorldCup #FamilyGoals #SportForLife #TeamSouthAfrica #SAMastersHockey

What does family mean to you?
April 2024
WMH Events Committee Chair and EB member, Ishbel Dickens, met Siam Noor (Bangladesh) at the WMH Indoor World Cup in Nottingham, 2024. They had previously communicated via email and Ishbel was already aware the Siam now lives in Scotland, Ishbel’s place of birth.
While Ishbel started playing hockey using her dad’s old stick in her grandparents’ garden in Scotland, Siam might well have missed out on hockey as football was his first love. Fortunately for him and the sport he was admitted into the National institute of Sports (BKSP) in 1986 as a hockey student.
Siam played in the national youth championship, the senior national championship, and at international tournaments. After BKSP, he was admitted to the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) where he played for the inter-university team and won every championship till 1998.
He also started professional hockey life in 1991 and was 4 times a premier league champion.
Siam left Bangladesh 2002 and did not play hockey again until September 2023 when he participated in the WMH Asian Championship in Hong Kong. That was the beginning of his journey into masters hockey.
Siam now plays for his local club, Dunfermline Carnegie Hockey Club, where he prepared to participate in the WMH Indoor World Cup, where he and Ishbel put faces and names together.
Siam is now preparing for the WMH World Cup in Auckland, later this year and looks forward to may years of masters hockey ahead of him and the opportunity to meet lots of wonderful people from all over the world as his hockey family continues to grow.

Masters Umpires Reunion
October 2022
A fantastic reunion story to come out of the 2022 Tokyo World Cup from the umpiring side:
Tournament Director Sana-san (JPN) and Assistant Umpires Manager Alan Waterman (CAN) umpired a friendly O/70s game together at the World Cup.
The last time they umpired in tandem, was 30 years ago at the Olympics. Alan even used the same whistle and cards!

Masters Hockey Supporters
Since 2002, I have attended many Masters Hockey tournaments, supporting my partner as he represented his country year after year. Hong Kong, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Barcelona, along with numerous others have all been ticked off the bucket list and who knows where else Masters Hockey travels will take us in the future.
It is a wonderful way to see the world, experience other cultures and, of course, meet a wide range of interesting people. I have lost count of the number of people I have met at all these events and it is really heart-warming to meet up with other supporters – some who are now ‘old’ friends, and those you meet for the very first time and hope to meet at the next tournament.
We chat, catching up on where we left off last time around. Share stories about new babies or grandchildren, family weddings or new jobs. It is amazing how much you remember about others’ families, even if it has been 2 or 3 years since the last meet up! The problem is remembering everything that has happened in your own family and getting events in the right order – it is definitely an age thing!
I have shared bottles of Prosecco in Canberra, wine in Newcastle (Australia) and sometimes shared sightseeing trips. The Botanic Gardens in Singapore was one of my favourite trips, as was the miniature village of Madurodam in Den Haag (Netherlands).
I have watched hockey in the blistering heat of Barcelona, been blasted by icy winds and driving snow in Lille (France) and been soaked to the skin in a torrential downpour in Kuala Lumpur – but at least it was warm rain and I was dry again 5 minutes after the storm had passed! My hair was a bit of a mess though!
As you can recognise, Masters Hockey supporters need to be as organised about their ‘kit’ as the players. Essential items: sandals; sunhat; sunglasses; a full set of lightweight waterproofs; at least 2 fleeces and an umbrella – the bigger the better!
During the pandemic I have missed my Hockey Family and I can’t wait to meet up with them again at a 2022 World Cup! Bring it on!
A World Hockey First
February 2019
Not only was Australia well represented with a strong contingent of teams and officials at the 2019 WMH Indoor World Cup in Hong Kong, but in an FIH world first, father and daughter Ian and Caitlyn Smith officiated at the same World Cup.
At just 17 Years of age Caitlyn easily fitted into the women’s umpiring panel, absorbing advice and experience from former Olympics and Commonwealth games umpires who joined her on the panel. Such was her excellent performances over the course of the World Cup, Caitlyn was appointed to umpire the over 45+ Women’s gold medal final with Alison Banks, also from Australia, and received numerous accolades for her achievement. Not to be outdone, in the following match, the Men’s 50+ Gold medal final, dad Ian Smith officiated with England umpire Pritpal Sihota. The jury is still out on who did the better job, Caitlyn or Ian.
In a sport that is played in over 200 countries world-wide, Masters hockey continues to show the connection of family in a way that other sports can only aspire to.
Thanks to Hockey Australia Masters for the story

Hockey Family in Action
The Hockey Family is renowned for the warmth it generates and its abilities to bring together people of many different nations, ethnic origins, cultures and religions. Most Masters Hockey participants know it, feel it at tournaments and recognise that it creates bonds and friendships that last for decades. However, it has the capabilities which amaze and surprise.
A particular example, which I will now describe, took place in Terrassa during the 2018 World Cup. It was brought to the attention of tournament officials that some players in an Argentine team were wearing tops or stickers on their sticks and kit which were very anti-British. The officials felt the need to take action to avoid creating unpleasantness and / or perhaps angry confrontations.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that at the centre of the stickers etc., was an Argentine goalkeeper, who had served in the Argentine armed forces and survived the Falklands War / Malvinas Conflict. His name is Juan Carlos Marino, a normal family man with children and grandchildren. However, the insanity of war had left its mark on him and Juan Carlos suffered post-traumatic stress for many years and struggled to fit back into civilian life. His wife and friends had supported him, but the nightmares remained.
He had been a semi-professional football player and loved sport. His friends introduced him to hockey and Juan Carlos found that he really enjoyed the sport which seemed to be a release mechanism for his stress. He also turned out to be a very good goalkeeper and was selected to play for Argentina in Terrassa!
Juan Carlos was very proud of the fact that he could represent his country in peace instead of war. Some of his team mates, aware of his stress issues, supported him by wearing the stickers in solidarity. After a brief discussion, the team managers and players agreed to remove the stickers and no official action was taken. Thinking that was the end of it, the officials were surprised when early next day, the Argentine team management excitedly described what had happened the previous evening.
As fate would have it, one of the Welsh teams was staying in the very same hotel. One of the Welsh lads had been involved in the conflict on the British side. The 2 men were introduced and over a number of beers, talked about their ‘shared’ experiences. They recognised that they were normal human beings who bore no malice to others, but found themselves in a situation they could not control, where they had to follow orders and do things that ordinary, decent human beings do not wish to do – try to kill other human beings.
The chats and the beers over several evenings and the Masters Hockey environment lifted the weight from both their shoulders and allowed them to begin to move on from the trauma of war. They knew in their hearts that they were good people who had a bad experience they would not wish to repeat. For Juan Carlos, it was something of a revelation and in his own words it ‘filled my soul to be next to one who had been my enemy in war and who today was my soul friend’.
Juan Carlos believes that Masters Hockey helped him achieve what he could not achieve alone and he thanks everyone, ‘for filling his heart with so much joy’ and his Argentine team mates for having persuaded him to take up Masters Hockey. Our sport had helped him move further along the road towards being the man he was before the conflict!
Juan Carlos was very happy to have his name and details mentioned. His Welsh soul mate preferred to remain anonymous and we have honoured these wishes. However, this story is worth telling because it is a fantastic example of how the human spirit can rebuild itself, even in its darkest moments.We can all take pride in the fact that a Masters Hockey event was the key that opened the door to allow two of our players to escape the darkness described. We all created the Masters Hockey Family by promoting an atmosphere which is inclusive, friendly, competitive in a healthy way and respectful of all, no matter who they are, where they come from, their skin colour or religious beliefs!